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Our 2015 Team


As our incredible curator, Viktorija has been working tirelessly to get our event and team to be the best they can possibly be. Our 2014 and 2015 events were in no small part due to her tremendous effort.

Viktorija Krivova


Our work would impossible without the efforts of Mark, who has been helping to raise money and budget for the many elements of our continual work.

Mark Chua

Logistics and Operations

Logistics and organisational work has been a huge task for us, between speakers, locations and volunteers. Katerina's dedication as a member of the team has been essential in the production of our event

Katerina Iliopoulou


A huge part of our funding is reliant upon sponsorhip and Tatiana's search for individuals to support our event has been massively important and a clear demonstration of her dedication to our work.

Tatiana Zhelezynak

Speakers Coordinator

Without speakers, there is no event for us. This is where the hard work of Michelle comes in, making sure that speakers know where to go, what to say and how to really improve the content we provide.

Michelle Walschot

Marketing and Content

If you've heard of us from anywhere, it's likely thanks to Alice's hard work promoting our event. Her talent in marketing has been proved invaluable to our work.

Alice Perepyolkina


All of our beautiful and sleek designs have the result of Victoria's tireless work to make our event look good. Everything you see made by us has been looked over by Victoria and her incredible sense for design.

Victoria Schafer

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Team Managment

Pedra is the team leader of TEDxRoyal Holloway, guiding each and every person involved in their work.

Without her incredible enthusiasm our event would not be the success that it is.

Pedra Rabiee

Logistics and Operations

Logistics and organisational work has been a huge task for us, between speakers, locations and volunteers. Megan's leadership of the team has been essential in the production of our event.

Megan Karlshøj-Pedersen

Logistics and Operations

Logistics and organisational work has been a huge task for us, between speakers, locations and volunteers. Immy's consistent hard work as a member of the team has been essential in the production of our event.

Immy Symons


A huge part of our funding is reliant upon sponsorhip and Carolina's search for individuals to support our event has been massively important and a clear demonstration of her dedication to our work.

Carolina Merighi

Speakers Coordinator

Without speakers, there is no event for us. This is where the hard work of Michelle comes in, making sure that speakers know where to go, what to say and how to really improve the content we provide.

Merinda Owusu


As a charasmatic and fantastically talented speaker, James has been a natural addition to our team. His interest in TED has been vital to the makeup of our 2015 event and events to come.

James Browning

Social Media

Any online presence we have is the responsibilty of Hannah, who has been behind the facebook, twitter and instagram posts. 

Hannah Rogers

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